The fight. What is Feminism?


When you type 'what is feminism' onto google, it defines it as "the advocacy of woman's rights on the ground of the inequality of sexes." Majority of today's dexterous population would trust Google upon their teachers, parents or friends -including me, but this one time, I would beg to differ. 

The correct definition should be "The consequential fight of woman's right due to the hopelessness of hu-mans and the delaying of consent on grounds of equality of sexes."

Isn't this elucidation much more competent, absolute and unmasked in accordance with reality?Doesn't this speak more clearly to what we are hoping?

For feminism is not about empowering women to be the highest stratum of sexes. Nor is it about making women more durable and stronger because we already are and we know that. 

Feminism is a fight, not fought by the entire population of angry young feminists enraged with the functioning of the world or bored college girls looking for a group activity or women who wish to be upgraded to a level regarded greater than that of men but a rigorous fight faught by the ones who believe in gender equality in every aspect what so ever and want to share that fact with the entirety of the world.

And I want to try and convey to you, broadly, how you are hurting women and hurting your own art form, and how easy it would be to stop. Because right now you’re coming across like a bunch of entitled babies terrified of a few girls in your clubhouse—demanding that women be thick-skinned about their own rapes while you’re too thin-skinned to handle even mild criticism. It’s embarrassing.
—Lindy West, “An Open Letter to White Male Comedians,” Jezebel

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