As much as we would all like to believe that the twenty first century in itself summons certain perceiving of basic human rights amongst it's diverse entrants, we often distinctly, stand corrected.

The contemporary lifestyle of all global citizens prevails to question the understanding of certain aspects that have previously established as norms on our dear planet and although the realization hand has struck on a universal level, it has not quite reverberated on the cultural lands of India and amongst its million daughters who stand as loyal victims on the threshold of their 'family honor'. No, not their honor -as it would be interpreted by those who consider them as human with self dignity but in fact it is their 'family honor' that is at stake.

Why, you ask? It is their tenderness, fragility and soft tongue that often gets in the way, isn't it? No, it isn't. Not you, not me or anyone else on this forlorn planet has the right to judge a women by that nature. The same way, there is no reason to misinterpret the inhumane strength, willingness, power in a man and expect them to be muscly, less sentimental or soft hearted. 

Axing the hierarchy of one gender over the other, is just one convenient step away.
Emulate your steps in fighting for a little change in a shop, a little seat on a train, a little ticket on a bus, a little food from your friend, a little understanding from your parent and soon, we can be part of a world, where fighting for gender equality is history.

The food, it seems, becomes an extension of this happy nuclear family, the way it should be according to the heteronormative social mandate; with the woman writer only achieving fame and/ or wealth through her pursuits because they are at the service of the family (and not because she is deserving of the accolades in her own right; it’s the combination of cooking/ photography skills and traditional motherhood that makes this business model successful).
—Flavia Dzodan, “Some thoughts about sexual normativity in food writing,” Red Light Politics
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